

Prevention of periodontal disease & decay.

Scaling and polishing

Professional dental scaling and polishing is an extension of your teeth-brushing method, whereby we clean up those areas which are normally difficult to reach by your brush.

Dental cleanings include removing plaque (soft, sticky, film infested with bacteria) and tartar (calculus) deposits which have built up over time on the teeth. Routine dental scaling and polishing is a process that removes all the deposits of plaque, tartar and calculus and stains on your teeth 's surface. Typically these deposits happen from time to time and need removal at regular intervals Typically the average period between each dental cleaning is every six months, unless our dentists have indicated exclusive treatment due to advanced gum issues.

Scaling and polishing, which we call dental cleaning, is often called prophylaxis. It's a Greek term that means "preventing gum disease in advance" – in this case, it helps to avoid gum disease.

Root canal treatment

This is a sequence of treatment for infected tooth pulp designed to remove bacteria and protect the decontaminated tooth from possible microbial invasion. The root canals and their corresponding pulp chamber are actual tooth hollows that are normally occupied by nerve tissue, blood vessels and other cellular entities. Together these things co-exist.

Endodontic treatment requires the removal of these materials, the disinfection and subsequent formation, cleaning and decontamination of the hollows with small files and irrigating solutions, and the obturation (filling) of decontaminated canals.




Dental veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the teeth's front surface and make your appearance even better. These shells are bonded to the teeth's front and change their colour, shape, size, or weight.

They are used to :

Teeth which are discolored for:

  • • Root canal therapy
  • • Tetracycline stains, or other medications
  • • Too much fluoride
Other reasons:
  • • Big fillings with resins
  • • Teeth which are worn
  • • Chipped or missing teeth
  • • Misaligned, imperfect, or irregularly formed teeth (for example, they have craters or bulges in them)
  • • Teeth with spaces (to close the space between those teeth)
Dental veneer procedure:
Usually, having a dental veneer involves three visits to the dentist – one for a consultation and two for making and applying the veneers. At the same time, one tooth or several teeth can undergo the veneering process.

Diagnosis and treatment planning
You'll tell your dentist the outcome you 're trying to achieve. Your dentist will inspect your teeth during this visit to ensure that dental veneers are correct for you, and address the treatment and any of its drawbacks. They can take X-rays, and can make your mouth and teeth impressions.

Your dentist will reshape the tooth surface to prepare a tooth for a veneer, which is a quantity almost equal to the thickness of the veneer to be applied to the tooth surface. You and your dentist will determine if they can dig the area until the enamel is removed. Your dentist will then make a picture of your tooth, or interpretation of it. This model is sent to a dental laboratory producing the veneer yourself. It takes normally 1 week for the veneers to return from the laboratory. Meanwhile temporary dental veneers can be used.

The Veneers offer the following advantages:
  • • They offer the appearance of a natural tooth.
  • • Gums does tolerate porcelain well.
  • • Veneers made from porcelain are stain resistant.
  • • To make dark teeth appear whiter a color may be picked.
  • • Usually they don't need as much shaping as crowns do, but they are stronger and look better.

Invisalign (clear aligners):

It uses a set of transparent, plastic aligners worn to direct teeth gently to their new positions for a certain time. The aligners are reversible and simple to use. Simply put, to guide them into their optimal positions, the aligners will apply direct and controlled pressure to the teeth. Each collection of your aligners will be properly designed to produce a certain movement, so all of your teeth will be in their new target positions by the end of your procedure.

There is one main distinction between how the braces shift the teeth and the movement of the teeth by aligners. Braces apply a pull force to move the teeth, using brackets and wires. However, aligners use a push-force to direct the teeth gently. Aligners will switch teeth in as little as 24 hours to their new positions but that doesn't mean it's time to move on to the next set of aligners yet. To understand why, we need to look at the tooth 's structure. Your teeth roots are coated in a substance called cementum. This cementum is bound by the periodontal ligament (PDL) to the tooth socket. This ligament serves as an anchor for keeping the teeth in their sockets. To move your teeth, we have to work gently at the PDL to direct them through the bone, making the tooth to make its necessary movement.

The ligament is extended on one side of the root but compressed on the other, as pressure is applied to the tooth. In this process two new kinds of bone cells are being formed. Osteoclasts break down the bone on the compressed side of the ligament while osteoblasts develop new bone cells on the stretched side, That's why, once the transition is made, it doesn't mean that the PDL is able to keep it in place just yet. The ligament needs to get used to the movement and build the bone, while the gums and other tissues will need time to adapt. Therefore you must wear the same aligner package for seven to ten days.

Your dentist will develop a completely personalized treatment plan and will use this procedure to direct your teeth softly before they finally travel to the correct locations. Your aligners can place a precisely controlled pressure level on the teeth to direct them in a more comfortable and attractive way than normal braces in their ideal positions. You won't have to see your dentist every couple of weeks to adjust your wires, but you'll only switch to the next set of alignments according to the schedule.



Pediatric dentistry

Children start getting their baby teeth within the first 6 months of their lives. Around age 6 or 7, they begin losing their first set of teeth, which are gradually replaced by new, permanent teeth. Without proper dental treatment, children face potential oral deterioration and infection that can cause pain and complications for a lifetime. Early childhood dental caries — an infectious disease — is currently 5 times more common than asthma in children and 7 times more common than hay fever.

What type of treatment is provided?

  • • Infant oral health tests, which include caries risk assessment in both mother and child
  • • Preventive dental services including hygiene and fluoride treatments, and guidelines for safety and diet
  • • Habitual therapy (such as using pacifier and sucking thumb)
  • • Early diagnosis and treatment to straighten the teeth and correct an incorrect bite (orthodontics)
  • • Repairing cavities or flaws in teeth
  • • Diagnosis of oral disorders linked to illnesses such as diabetes, congenital heart defects, asthma, hay fever and attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder
  • • Managing gum diseases and disorders including ulcers, small frenulae, mucoceles and parodontal pediatric disease
  • • Injury treatment (for example, broken, displaced or knocked out teeth

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening performed by your dentist will make your teeth brighter more easily. Typically, the bleaching solution is much better than at-home packages. In order to speed and intensify the whitening process, heat, light, or a combination of the two can also be used.

The most drastic outcomes — teeth usually get three to eight shades brighter — usually take many in-office visits of 30 to 60 minutes.

You can help preserve the effects by brushing, flossing, and rinsing everyday, whether you have an at-home tooth-whitening machine, or get your teeth bleached by a dentist. Prevent acidic and tannin-rich foods, too.

For those who already have sensitive teeth, tooth whitening may make teeth temporarily sensitive—or be painful. Home kits can even lead to burnt — or momentarily bleached — gums when used incorrectly.

For individuals with yellow teeth, tooth-whitening works well and is less successful for individuals with brown teeth. If your teeth are gray or black, it is possible that tooth bleaching would not work at all.

Speak to your dentist before you use an over-the-counter tooth whitening kit to be sure that tooth whitening is worth your time and money.


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